Please do be aware that if you are considering renting out your motorhome, then we do advise that right hand drive models are definately easier to rent out and the vehicle must be registered in the UK to be eligible for Motorholme’s Self Hire Scheme.
If you’d like to find out more about renting out your motorhome please give us a call on 0800 612 8719. If you are settled on the idea of buying a motorhome in Germany, read on…
This article was originally on the most excellent motorhome list web site please see this site for the best information available in the UK. The article was written by Stan Wood.
“A lot of people want to buy abroad, but are nervous of doing so. Having done so myself, successfully, saving at least £5000 in the process, as long as the price difference between the UK and Continental countries remain, I would NOT dream of buying a motorhome in the UK.
The first thing you have to accept is, it is not as convenient as popping down to your local dealer!!! So you say: “Yes but if anything goes wrong I can take it back to the local dealer”, well, if you have saved £5000 THE ENGINE can fall out and you are still quids in.
I suppose we have to address the LHD question, I don’t know what your circumstances are, myself I wanted a LHD, in a few weeks I retire and intend to travel mostly on the continent. I am much happier driving abroad in a vehicle designed for such conditions. Its easier to drive a LHD in England where I KNOW the road system than a RHD on the continent.
Where should I buy on the continent?
Germany has three good points:
- First, their MOT is called TUV a very stringent test.
- Second, after searching the net for 12 months, I found Germany offered the lowest prices.
- Thirdly (and to me, very important), I was concerned that the vendor had legal title to the vehicle, e.g., no outstanding finance on the vehicle, that he was the actual owner etc, etc. In Germany there are two documents that come with the vehicle called the FAHRZEUGBRIEF (this is the document they carry on the vehicle in case they have to show police in case of accident or speeding). The other is called the FAHRZEUGSCHEIN. (THIS DOCUMENT IS KEPT IN A BANK) it is the same as the deeds to your house, whoever has possession is THE LEGAL OWNER. In Germany they have no idea what an HP check is.
A few facts, Germans do not like cheques, arrange through your bank to have money transferred. If motorhome is 6 months old or has 6000 miles on clock, no VAT to pay.
Drive straight off the ferry to home, spend £25 getting it registered in UK, Then have it MOTd and headlamps and rear fog light converted etc, etc. ALL this was done buying PRIVATELY, not from a dealer, from a dealer it would be a doddle.
Resale value:
My motorhome is a Dethleff, a big German manufacturer. It is a 1995 M reg (had it 12 months now), it had 31000 kilometres (19000 miles) on the clock, the TUVs verified this, power steering, air assisted suspension, roof rack, double cycle carrier, Fiamma awning, 10 track CD player with top of the range Motorola radio, tape player. Fully winterised, imobilser. NO OVEN or GRILL, the continental manufacturers just don’t fit them, (I met a chap in France who had bought one of the big Hymers, from the manufacturer in Germany, no GRILL no OVEN). Get a £34 skillet from the shows, we use ours in the house too, save ££££s on electricity.- WHAT DID I PAY?…..£11900
- Expenses: 2 one way flight tickets to Hamburg, 2 nights B&B £48, diesel home, ferry from Calais.
What do you do about insurance for bringing the vehicle back to the UK?
You cannot drive back home on the original license plates. Buying private or from a dealer you will be issued with export license plates. Having this number, they will stamp you out a new license plate cost £5, all this is done at their vehicle registration dept, Comfort Insurance, who I asked how to get over this problem, said they would insure the vehicle on the CHASSIS number, and on return to the UK, after registration, inform them and they would issue new insurance documents on the new registration plate. I then asked what would happen if I didn’t buy the vehicle? They said, no problem, let them know and all I would incur would be a small administration charge.
What is the procedure for registering the vehicle when you get it back?
The UK Vehicle Licensing people will issue you with a pack that contains all you require to register the vehicle in the UK. Fill out the form together with your export documents, and MOT certificate. Cost £25, plus your cheque for 6 or 12 months vehicle excise duty.The German Motorhome Glossary:
If the vendor doesn’t speak English you can bet he knows a man that does. Its not really a big problem, when I was in Germany the amount of Germans I met who spoke English really does put us to shame.
Some useful terms when looking at the ads (thanks to John Harris for these):
1 hand = 1 owner
Anhängekupplung, = Towing hitch
Auspuff = Exhaust ( honest )
Automatik getriebe = Automatic gearbox
Dachgepäckträger = Roof rack
Dachreling = Roof rails
Duomatic = Automatic gas bottle changeover
Erneuert = Renewed
Fahrertür = Driver’s door
Fahrradhalter = Bike rack
Fahrradträger = Bike rack
Gründig Farb TV = Grundig Colour TV
Heckleiter = Rear ladder
Heckstützen = Rear wind-down corner steadies
Hubbett vorn, = Front bed
Klimaanlage = Aircon
KombiKassettenRollos = combined blinds and flyscreens on windows
Kuhlschrank 135 lt. m AES = Fridge 135 litres with automatic energy select
L- Sitzgruppe und Sofa, = ‘L’ shaped seating area with sofa
Luftfeder- Niveaulift,= Adjustable air suspension
Markise = Windout awning
Neupreis = New price
Neuwertige Bereifung = New tyres
Nichtraucher = Non-smokers
Pilotensessel = Pilot seats
Radblenden = Wheel Trims
Sat- Antenne = Satellite Dish
Scheckheft = Fully documented and serviced
Seitensitzgruppe = side seating ( normally lengthways seats )
Serviceklappe = Access door
Servolenkung = Power steering
Sicherheitsschlösser = Security locks
Sonnenmarkise = Sun Awning
Stauraum Außenklappe = External access door to luggage locker
Stereoanlage mit CD = Stereo system with CD
Thermomatten für Fahrerhaus = Insulated cab screens
Umluftanlage = Blown air
Vollautomatische Sat Anlage Typ Oyster = Oyster fully Automatic Satellite System
Vorzelt = Awning
ZusatzSpeigel = Additional mirrors